There could be many reasons behind opting for a part time job. Some do it for extra income, however, other important elements may be health, transportation costs and family considerations. Another advantage of part-time work is having more free time to do other things. For some people, this may be the most important consideration - Like an aspiring musician can opt to work part-time to support his day-to-day expenses but at the same time practice and pursue music whole-heartdly.
There are few who understand that few part time jobs can offer much better earnings than full time jobs! Working part-time can actually sometimes enable an individual to make more money. Here are best part-time jobs that pay better than most:
Insurance Advisor represent an Insurance company to sell insurance policies to clients. They advise individuals or companies to select the right insurance policy as required for life insurance, car/automobile, home, business, or other property. Whether you are a student, self-employed or even a housewife, as a part-time Insurance Advisor you have an option to earn as much as you want! Your monthly income will be as per your potential. In fact, apart from the regular income, there are plenty of chances to win cars, foreign travels & recognition! APPLY NOW
Mediclaim or any other health policy is nothing but a health insurance policy that is designed to take care of one's treatment expenses up to the sum assured, in case the person faces any sort of medical emergency, be it an illness or an accident that has led to hospitalization. With more and more people becoming aware of benefits of cashless or other type of health insurance, the role of a health insurance advisor too becomes important. As a Part Time Health Insurance Advisor, you not only script your own financial growth but also helps other people secure their health and freedom from the financial aspect during their times of diseases and hospitalization. APPLY NOW
A Mutual Fund Advisor is an individual or an entity facilitating buying and selling of units of mutual fund by investors. A distributor earns upfront/trail commission for bringing in investors into the mutual fund schemes. Working as a part-time mutual fund advisor actually suits the nature of this business since people may fix up an appointment with you in the evenings, saturdays and or sundays! With increasing number of people realizing the need for professional financial assistance, becoming a mutual fund advisor is evidently a promising opportunity! APPLY NOW